The Delaware County Sheriff’s Office has taken holiday safety to a whole new high with their latest social media campaign. Featuring a gingerbread man who may have snuck into the “special” Christmas cookies, the post warns: “To put it bluntly, don’t drive high. If it makes you feel different, it will make you drive differently—stay home and munch on some Christmas cookies.”

While the cookie’s cheeky grin may be innocent, the message is clear: if your holiday treats have been sprinkled with anything more exotic than sugar and cinnamon, it’s best to keep your sleigh parked for the night.
After all, it’s the season of giving, and no one wants to gift fellow drivers the surprise of seeing someone swerving down the road like Rudolph with a busted nose. Whether you’re flying high like Santa’s reindeer or just “lit” like a Christmas tree, the sheriff wants to ensure the only thing cruising this December is the jolly old man in red himself.
Sheriff Jeffrey C. Balzer’s office clearly knows how to bake their safety messages into the public’s consciousness. By swapping the traditional PSA for a holiday-themed puff piece, they’ve rolled out a reminder that’s both memorable and sweet—with a side of sharp humor.
Let’s face it: Santa’s cookies are meant to keep him fueled for a night of chimney dives, not for creating holiday munchie-inspired driving hazards. So, whether you’re indulging in a little too much eggnog or testing your new “herbal” cookie recipe, remember: the only green that should guide your way this season is the light on the Christmas tree.
Stay safe, Delaware County. And as the sheriff’s post says, munch responsibly—just not behind the wheel.